GroupBDO partners with Centage Corp.,a leading provider of automated, budgeting and planning software solutions.Your accounting or ERP system is the heart of your financial management capabilities, not to mention a goldmine of historical data. Budget Maestro is designed to tap into that valuable information for budgeting, planning, forecasting, and reporting. Link Maestro, an add-on to Budget Maestro, automates the exchange of financial information between your accounting/ERP system and Budget Maestro
Budget Maestro financial forecasting software makes the forecasting process productive and accurate, but also allows for quick adjustments as conditions dictate. This versatile forecasting software:
Centralizes data in a single database, not across numerous spreadsheets
Consolidates data automatically, providing real-time forecasts from summary to detail level
Reflects changes in assumptions about key business drivers or market conditions instantly, across the entire model
Generates variance reports of budget, actual, and reforecasted numbers
Facilitates comparison of multiple forecasts, e.g. Forecast with Flat Sales and Stable Healthcare Costs, vs. Forecast with 10% Sales Growth and 5% Healthcare Increase
Provides a long-term view, with the ability to create rolling forecasts beyond 12 periods
Allows you to quickly and easily compare Income Statements, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements for multiple periods and versions
Allows budget managers to update their line items and generate accurate reports
Requires no labor-intensive formulas, macros or links